Empowering young people to become the communicators in their communities

The SALUS project is an evidenced-based HIV communication intervention which locates adolescents and young people at the centre of its design and implementation, empowering youth to be the communicators within their communities. Working from the ground-up, we empower young people to facilitate acceptance and co-support among their peers, families and community, breaking the silence of stigma, socialising knowledge about HIV and treatment, generating solidarity and motivation to test, adhere to treatment and stay well.

What we do

Using a participatory communication for social change approach, digital film storytelling, animation and social media were harnessed, reaching thousands of young people, with many becoming motivated to join the movement, disseminating key messaging that generated learning, discussion and co-support - breaking the silence of stigma and increasing HIV knowledge.

A lack of HIV knowledge is a significant issue worldwide among adolescents and youth that urgently needs to be addressed

Young people are at the heart of the HIV epidemic. From 2005 there has been a 30% increase of HIV-prevalence among 10 to 19-year-olds worldwide and is now the leading cause of death among 10 to 24-year olds in Africa.


Young people must become the central drivers to changing the direction of the HIV epidemic, especially when we consider that Africa’s youth population is rapidly growing, expected to reach 830 million by 2050.

Knowledge about HIV prevention among young people

Most recent data as of 2018.

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Increased HIV knowledge decreases stigma, motivates adherence and helps young people to make better choices about prevention